Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 11 - Food

It may be easier to stick to the detox now that we're about a third of the way through the program, but ordering a pizza for take out or deliver still sounds very appealing on Sundays! We ended up getting Chipotle to go for lunch today which was great! But I still had to think about dinner tonight... 

So dinner consisted of leftover lemon basil chicken, sauteed garlic asparagus, and roasted herb sweet potatoes.

I know we could eat out really as much as we want, but we're trying to get more out of this detox than just cleaning our organs and bodies out. We're trying to learn to eat at home more and cook healthy meals. I'm hoping by the end of the 30 days, we'll be so used to eating at home that we won't get back into the habit of eating out every other day. We run our dishwasher every day now, and we used to run it every couple of days before we began the detox. 

It still seems like I'm in the kitchen a good part of the day. I don't mind it as much anymore, but it will be nice to go out to eat after we've finished the detox and not have to worry about just ordering a salad or trying to find something on the menu we can have. Nick mentioned (I think it was last night) that he is really craving a juicy hamburger from Red Robin! Mmmm.... I know we both desire to live a healthier lifestyle in general and this detox is giving us a greater awareness of what that means, but we do plan on getting an occasional burger or pizza when we've finished detoxifying ourselves! Looking forward to that day! 

We've got 19 days left...that's all?! Hard to believe! We're not ready to quit now! We plan to see this thing through to the end and it'll be over before we even know it! Not only is it good for our bodies, but it's good for our minds! 

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