Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 31 - Before and After

Day 31 is here, and this morning we had omelets for breakfast instead of a protein shake! The only thing we did differently to our omelets this morning was include CHEESE in addition to the spinach, tomatoes, peppers, and onions. It was delicious! We also each enjoyed a cup of black coffee! Mmmm.... here's what you've all been waiting for...RESULTS!

Nick lost a total of 15.4 lbs and a total of 7.25 inches!
Way to go babe! I'm so proud of you!

Now...before I share my 'before and after' photos, I have to admit that never in a million years would I have ever dreamt I would share these pictures with ANYONE except my husband and perhaps a close friend. But Nick strongly encouraged me to share these in my blog because 'pictures speak a thousand words' he, in my humility, I share these photos...

I lost a total of 11.6 lbs and 12.75 inches!

It's interesting that Nick lost more weight, but I lost more inches! I guess it goes to show that everyone is different! My clothes fit so much better now and I feel great! Nick and I have both had to tighten our belts by 2 notches! 

We both still have more weight we'd like to lose, but doing the 30-day detox program really got us off to a great start and headed in the right direction toward our total weight loss goals! Yay! I'm so excited about the days to follow!

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