Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 27 - A great number and a snow day in April!

So, today is Detox Day number 27 which means only 3 days remain until we start reintroducing foods such as dairy and gluten back into our diet!

And speaking of the number 27...(It's a great number!)... I'm reminded that my birthday is this month on April 27th and I will actually be turning 27! I know I'm 'old' (to those of you are who are reading this and are younger than me)! And I know I'm 'young' (to those of you who are reading this and are older than me).

But you know, you are never too 'young' nor too 'old' to learn about taking good care of your body and about making healthy choices! After all, you only get one body and only one shot (one lifetime) at taking care of it!

I'm so glad Nick and I decided to do this detox together. It's been so educating and we've gotten great results! Aren't you just dying to know how many inches and pounds we've dropped over the full 30 days of our detox? Well, I guess you'll just have to read my final detox post on Friday or Saturday - just a few days away!

I'm looking forward to my birthday coming up in a couple weeks, and I'm looking forward to being able to fit into a special outfit that I haven't worn in years or be able to purchase a new outfit as a reward for all the effort I've put into this detox!

As far as today went, it wasn't a super exciting day. Nick got a snow day, and I won't complain about him being at home all day! My allergies have been torture to me today (which I expected due to the rapid change of weather)! I think Nick mentioned that we had about a 70-degree change in weather from yesterday to today. CRAZY!

(This was the result from the 'blizzard' we had that called for a 'snow day'. We got a little snow...can you see it? It was really more scary winds than scary snowstorm.)

So I spent some extra time in bed while Nick fed Isaac breakfast and made our protein shakes.  And later, my wonderful husband let me spend even more time resting while he watched Isaac play after he woke up early from his morning nap! I really needed all that rest! My nose is very raw from all the Kleenex I've used! Blah...

It was a nice relaxing day at home! And since it was so cold, I made Black Bean and Vegetable Soup served over brown rice! Yum!

While I was getting Isaac ready for bed, one of our neighbors came over and knocked on our door. He came to tell us that the fence between our houses blew over! That's not good...especially when you have a dog who is allowed unlimited access to the backyard through a doggie door! So Nick went out to help our neighbor fix the fence, and then he came back in and put his very cold hands on my neck. Not cool! (Oh a pun... ha ha! Well...it was cool then...his hands were FREEZING!)

I told Nick that we should go downstairs and have a fire in the fireplace. His response: "It's TOO COLD down there!" Hun, that's the point of the fire! But, he is right. It's always colder down there than it is upstairs, and it's frigid down there during the winter. So I guess we'll just stay upstairs and enjoy multiple cups of hot tea tonight. Ha ha!

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