Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 23 - Enjoying the detox!

Down to exactly 1 week left on the detox! And honestly, I think I could continue living this way if I needed to do so. At least I won't be intimidated about detoxifying if we ever decide to do it again! Doing a detox for 30 days is truly empowering! I've learned so much about myself, my attitude, my emotions, how my mind works, and how much perseverance builds character! It's also been wonderful to work together with Nick through this whole ordeal! I'm sure we've grown closer through it!

Well, today was a beautiful day! It was bright, sunny, and warm! Isaac and I went to the zoo with a friend, and being in the sun left a little pink on my skin. Come to think of it, I didn't have a single craving for a frappuccino or a cherry limeade today! That popcorn at the zoo did smell amazing....the buttery part of the popcorn....the smell was enticing, but it was nothing once we were away from the smell!

We were so busy, I didn't have much time to fret over the detox. I packed a lunch for Isaac, and for myself, I brought a bunch of sliced veggies (cucumber, red and yellow peppers, and carrots) and some fruit (bananas and clementines) and a few gluten-free tortilla chips. And I was surprised that my lunch of fruit and veggies really filled me up good!

We got home from the zoo, and we only had a couple hours before Nick would get home from work. So I worked on getting the roasted sweet potatoes and roasted veggies for dinner ready.  When Nick got home, he grilled some chicken breasts with the spicy dry rub recipe we found a couple weeks ago. And so we had one of favorite 'detox' meals tonight! Yum! Really...I can't eat that delicious and flavorful chicken without feeling very happy!

Now to finish up with one more week! Actually, the detox isn't weighing on my mind's coming up with my plan for easing our way off the detox! I'm not worried. I just feel like we've now experienced living on both sides of the extreme. We've gone through phases where we've eaten fast food every other day and now to eating healthy meals at home (on the detox) almost every day. I only want to find the balance between living a healthy lifestyle and being able to indulge in a little every now and then.

A 'balanced' lifestyle is the challenge, but it isn't impossible!

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