I've always desired to live a 'balanced' life, but, in the past, I haven't been very good at 'balance' when it comes to taking care of my body. Before, I always seemed to lean one way or the other - either really concentrating on working out to get in/stay in shape OR concentrating on fat content and calorie intake when eating. I've never been what I consider a 'health freak', and I don't think I will become one after completing our detox.
What I do want is to balance healthy eating habits along with consistent exercise to maintain a healthy body, and I think going through this 30-day detox has given me the practice or discipline I need to make a lifestyle change. Will I never eat a pizza again? Heck no! In fact, I see a pizza in my near future...but foods like pizza will hopefully be the exception instead of the 'norm' now.
The 30-day detox has been good not only to clean our bodies from unhealthy toxins, but to discipline our minds and wills to make wise choices about what we eat. It's incredible how much I've used food and drink as comfort in the past. And not only would I use it as comfort, I would use it as reward as well! So whether I'd had a good day or a bad day, junk food could always be a solution at the end of the day. What was I thinking?! Even today I was challenged to make a decision based on what I know is right and good rather than give way to impulse and unhealthy habits I've had in the past.
As I was walking around Wal-Mart picking up a few groceries (such as almond milk) for our protein shakes and to help get us through the last couple days of our detox, my feet and my shopping cart automatically slowed down in front of the aisle with the sign that said "All Easter Candy 75% Off!" NOOOOOO!!!!! I stopped. I looked at a bag of jelly beans (but I didn't pick it up, smell it, or touch it), and let me tell you what all went through my head during the 30 seconds that I stood there staring with drool starting to run down my chin:
"I love jelly beans... Nick LOVES jelly beans! He'd be thrilled if I brought a bag home. No, we can't have it right now...but only 2 more detox days left...Hmm...It could be a reward! Where are the peanut butter/chocolate eggs? I really want a PB chocolate egg...No! I don't need a PB choc. egg. Jelly beans? I'd really be getting them for Nick more than me...tho I do love jelly beans...just one bag...it's on sale...75% OFF! We could eat just a few at a time...NO! NO! NO! Why would I want to undo everything I've already done? Are you kidding me? Rachel, you know, you and Nick will eat that whole bag of jelly beans in a snap then you'll be back to get more! Is it really worth it? Is the TASTE really worth it? No!!!!"
And so I walked away leaving the jelly beans untouched on the shelf...
That is what discipline will help you overcome! Is self possibly truly one of my own worst enemies? Yes. Self-control is tough! But when you go through something like a 30-day detox and you do it with others and are accountable and stick to it, you can't help but learn to become a little disciplined and self-controlled. It wasn't painful at all to say no to those jelly beans, but it was quite a challenge convincing myself to make the right decision! Praise the Lord for even those little victories over self!
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